Do you know that America's King of Beers is now a Belgian Beer? It is. And it pisses us off. Bigtime. We're not just going to slouch on our barstools with our cracks hanging out and do nothing. We're fighting back. For truth, justice, and American Suds.
The GuyProps Network has been rallying Facebook fans and the press to take part in a "Super Beer Boycott."
The organizers are taking aim at Anheuser-Busch, calling the company un-American in light of its acquisition by Belgium brewer InBev. At the Belgweiser Rebellion site, we are treated to some terrible singing and a moderate amount of cleavage, which is probably good, because they sent in the B squad for the chicks on the site.
The group's manifesto lashes out against price increases, U.S. layoffs and the punishment A-B employees have been forced to endure (namely, InBev allegedly eliminating a perk of two free cases of beer per month). Another source of outrage: No more free beer tastings at Busch Gardens and Sea World. "Shamu just isn't the same without a free beer!" the group said in its official statement.
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