A number of players, including 18-year-old superstar Marie-Philip Poulin, were drinking alcohol on the ice following the team's 2-0 defeat of the United States. (The legal drinking age in BC is 19.)

MEP and UKIP leader Nigel Farage on Wednesday delivered another major tirade against EU President Herman van Rompuy during a debate in the European Parliament. Farage highlighted the undemocratic fashion in which van Rompuy came to power and the effect he’s had on Europe since.
He noted, too, that Greece has been reduced to nothing more than a “protectorate.” Farage added that Van Rompuy had the “charisma of a damp rag” and the appearance of a “low-grade bank clerk” and asked by what process he could be removed from office.
Belgium managed to run itself as dysfunctional as usual without a government for almost nine months. That tells you all you need to know about politics.
Just asking.....but has anybody ever seen van Rompey and a Goleb from Lord of the Rings in the same room?
If I wasn't actually watching this I wouldn't believe it could happen. Back in the day...we were just hoping to catch some cheerleader doing a high leg kick who forgot to put the panties on...Now days nothing gets the student body more fired up than a sexually-suggestive dance between two teachers eh?
Welcome to Winnipeg Manitoba, where a couple of teachers decided that a pep rally would be the perfect time to give their students a quick lesson in Sex Ed.
During the rally, one student captured two of the school's teachers performing a sexually suggestive dance in the middle of the gym floor, which they have since titled "Two Teachers, One Chair." With the music blasting and the female teacher seated on the chair watch the video to see what happened.
I'm sure these kids know what a lap dance is....you'd probably find way more porn on their ipod's than this little dance, it's just mind numbing to think you'd get two teachers to go along with this.
At this time I would like to officially go on record and say that I have never crapped my pants. If you ever do think you might crap your pants...it would be a good idea to not order the Dutch version of the mega-taco plate just before you are going to conduct a live interview.
And those white pants....definitely a deal killer.
To the French, fellatio and cigarettes are the same thing. "To smoke is to become the slave of tobacco" reads the tagline, roughly. Glad they didn't go for the other kind of slavery, but there's a lot going on here, so it's best just to take this one at face value.
Also, this explains why the French are always smoking and why the ad probably encourages smoking rather than preventing it.
Along with other Taste of Minnesota-type treats, Target Field concessions will also be serving pork chops on a stick and wild rice soup...not on a stick.
A Rooftop to Hang Out On... like Fenway's Green Monster and rooftops at Wrigley, The Budweiser Roof Deck above the stands in the left-field corner...and it has a fire pit which will come in handy for those April games.
There's even a pub named "573" in honor of Harmon Killebrew's career number of taters.
This Brett Favre tribute song has been making its way around. Blistering lyrics like “Chose by Atlanta, but not for looong-oh-ooong-oh-ooong” really take this freight train of brilliance to the house. Brett Favre has returned to glory.
Take that eh?......you hosers. A sign at Canada Hockey Place read, “This is our game.” But the U.S. came into Canada's home rink and stole it.
The win was the first for the U.S. over Canada since 1960 in Squaw Valley when they won gold and it means the Americans will get a bye in the first round of the medal playoffs.
It was fun to watch and it's fun to rip on the Canucks..... but it really isn’t that huge of an upset like the media would like you to believe. Trust me...Canada wanted it badly though. The U.S. was outshoot 2-1, but couldn't dent Miller. There is a lack of chemistry on these teams since there is zero practice time, so whoever gets the hot goalie play can usually ride that.
They've got a kick ass fight song....but it didn't do them much good.
Bonus Video....Ovechkin wallpapers Jagr
CAUTION: This video contains an extremely grisly sequence. NSFW
If you listen to the tape or watch the video, it’s clear that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed understood the difference between information he surrendered while under duress and information he volunteered while not under duress, stating four times that he felt no force or coercion to offer his confession.
got it from My Thompson Gitmo