Thursday, January 31, 2008
Russia's most famous - and glamorous - female bodyguard killed as her Porsche is carjacked in Moscow
The glamorous 29-year-old died from head injuries after clinging on to the door handle of the Ceyenne and being dragged along the street at high speed as the car screeched away. Loginova ran an agency for female bodyguards, some trained by the ex-KGB, to give discreet protection to Moscow's billionaires and their wives and mistresses.
Story and more pictures in the Daily Mail
Landing at Courchevel Airport - French Alps
That has to be about as close as you could get to landing on a carrier...I wonder how many French have surrendered to that runway!
Inflation in Belgium has reached the highest level in 16 years

According to statistics by the Federal Department of Economy, inflation has not been this high since August 1991.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Price war to bring cheaper transatlantic flights

Sarko wants to sue RyanAir

Ryanair, which isn't known for its subtlety, and its girls of Ryanair Calender.....used a photo of the couple in an ad in today's issue of Le Parisien. The thought bubble above Bruni says:
With Ryanair, my whole family can come to my wedding.
That may be--as long as her relatives don't want to check bags--but the French president didn't appreciate the joke. Ryanair's apologized, but Sarko plans to sue the airline for "improper use of the president's image." STORY
Brussels to name the Scammers

You think the commission will expose itself?
And while your at it do something about the 20 emails I get every day telling me how to enlarge my penis, or my Nigerian friends who can get me millions.....with just a little cash in advance.
Sun, sea, sand, low taxes, and it's still the EU

Moving Abroad Can Strain a Marriage

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
You don't see this everyday!
Happened during Sunday's FA Cup match between Man City and Sheff Utd. Man City conceded the goal and subsequently lost the match. Here's a photo of goalkeeper Joe Hart taking out his anger on the balloons.
I think someone caused this accident on purpose
Hardly surprising that there are only guys stealing the beer.
STUDS Ball Pictures
If any of you have more pictures you want posted from the ball please email them to me at
Have I got a Loan for you!

For a $55 fee, the operators of this small California company will help you get a loan by employing you as an “independent contractor”. They provide payslips as “proof” of income and, for an additional $25, they also man the telephones to give you a glowing reference should your lender need it.
It's a rather cold Winter, ya think?

Super Bowl tickets as high as $20,000

Ticket King is listing single seats priced from $3,220 to $19,751. Yes, that is for one ticket.
This year's game is at the University of Phoenix Stadium, the 63,400-seat home of the Arizona Cardinals. Its seating is being expanded to about 75,000 for the Super Bowl.
Face value for tickets to this year's game ranges from $600 to $700. For the first Super Bowl, tickets ranged from $6 to $12.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sex And Psychological Operations By The Germans

The Germans prepared a set of four anti-Semitic sexually themed leaflets entitled “The girl you left behind” for use against the Allies in Italy. They Germans fired a smaller version from artillery in March 1944 and dropped a larger sized leaflet from aircraft in November 1944. They are AI-161-11-44 to AI-164-11-44. All are crude drawing in a monotone. These leaflets told the story of the mythical Sam Levy; a Jew who was growing rich and enjoying the favors of a Christian girl while her boyfriend was fighting on the front lines.
Some real interesting reading.
Can you really say that today's projection equipment is as good as what they had back in 1959?
Minnesotans for Global Warming
"As a born and raised Minnesotan, I bring a fresh perspective to this controversial issue calling for the acceptance, and even promotion of a worldwide climate change. I have experienced many Minnesota winters and cannot fathom why the possibility of warmer weather is undesirable."
We have had climate change in Minnesota forever, we just happen to call it weather. Only an idiot would oppose a warmer Minnesota.
World's largest Champagne Fountain

My best guess to fill the glasses would require approximately 1981 gallons (7,500 liters). It may be easier said than done to calculate how many hours that would take.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I'm sure Americans will be standing in line for the new 1.8's

STUDS expert guide to babysitting
Hershey Stops Marketing Dime Bags of Cocaine

The Hershey Co. is halting production of Ice Breakers Pacs in response to criticism that the mints look too much like illegal street drugs, the company's president and chief executive officer said Thursday......Ya think? STORY
Friday, January 25, 2008
Belgium has serious sperm shortage!

Brussels has the best looking hookers!

Some punters drive for hours to have a good time and Belgian working girls are said to be far more beautiful than those of Amsterdam. Paying for sex in Belgium is not a problem, but the nuisance the French punters cause isn't appreciated.

Three little pigs deemed too offensive!

The digital book, re-telling the classic story, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues". STORY
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?

Tasha Maltby, 19, and her fiance, Dani Graves, 25, were not allowed to get on a bus in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, and claim the driver told them: : "We don't let freaks and dogs like you on."
Living in public housing on benefits…with future plans to breed. God save me! STORY
No Corruption here People

The purchase of 90 mm guns was controversial from the start. The finance department twice stopped the order.The guns are only produced in Liège by CMI. Ammunition is only produced by Mecar, a company in the constituency of former Defence Minister André Flahaut.All other NATO countries use guns with a higher calibre, at least 105 mms. Using the two types side by side is not an option.Mr De Crem concedes the guns have been ordered, but sees no reason for cancelling the order. He will now examine how Belgium can cancel a contract that costs the taxpayer 42 million euros.Belgian Premier Guy Verhofstadt (Flemish liberal) says that he's unaware of Mr De Crem's decision and that there was nothing wrong with the contract.
Nuclear arms at Kleine Brogel?
Defence Minister De Crem on Wednesday confirmed that nuclear arms are deployed at the Kleine Brogel air force base in Limburg.The presence of the arms has been a public secret for years, but it's the first time there is confirmation from a government minister.Later in the day the minister said that he had meant to say something else and was talking about Belgian co-operation in NATO.
Assasinate the next President

Well, virtual guns. Indeed, virtual paintball guns, the weapon of choice in "Presidential Paintball," an online game that allows the "aspiring assassin" to train his sites on Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, or John McCain.
The game's a little stupid, but hey, this blog is not above stupid, as regular readers will attest. PLAY THE GAME
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Having an Affair has never been Easier

Justine Henin sent to outback at Australian Open

More on the Bodacius Tatas

Sorry, but when I hear $2500 Tatas I'm thinking this

Tatas, now with two front fun bags.
So you must have a slogan of your own... lets hear it.
Get your hands on our Tatas!
Our high beams are ALWAYS on.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Whatever happened to Micheal Jackson?
Duvel hopes to continue production of Liefmans

Duvel added that other parties had also put forward offers to continue production or buy Liefmans assets.
The European Nanny State at Work

The latest candidate for this rogue's gallery is Janet Devers, a 63-year-old woman who runs a vegetable stall at Ridley Road market. Her alleged crime: selling goods only by the pound and the ounce.
Ms. Devers, whose stall has been in the family for 60 years, faces 13 criminal charges stemming from not selling her produce by the kilogram and the gram. She stands accused of breaking a European Union-instigated rule that countries must use metric measures to standardize trade.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Wall Street Dating

What am I doing wrong ? I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25-year-old girl. I’m articulate and classy. I’m not from New York. I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in NewYork City, so I don’t think I’m over-reaching at all.
Where do you single rich men hang out ? Give me specifics - bars, Restaurants, gyms …
What are you looking for in a mate ?
Is there an age range I should be targeting ?
Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the Upper East Side so plain. What’s the story there ?
Lawyers, investment bankers, doctors. How much do those guys really make ? And where do the hedge fund guys hang out ?
How do you rich guys decide on marriage versus just a girlfried ? I am looking for Marriage only.
Belgium cop killers arrested

The murder of the police agent, who had just finished her studies, had shocked Belgium. The men arrested in Charleroi are known to the police and have already been sentenced in the past. Two have Belgian citizenship and are of Moroccan origin, the third has Turkish citizenship.
The suspects are 29, 30 and 31 years old. Two come from the Charleroi region, the third from Namen. The three had fled abroad immediately after the murder. Two came back rather quickly to Belgium. After the third suspect came back yesterday, a special unit of the federal police picked up the trio. The police conducted searches of the residences all of three suspects in order to find useful information relating to the investgiation.
The murder took place Sunday, Dec. 4th at about 3am in Lot. The three men tried to steal a car. When the owner, a karate teacher, tried to stop them, they shot him down. A police patrol which was called to the site also came under fire, before the agents could leave their car. Kitty Van Nieuwenhuysen, who sat in the passenger seat, was seriously injured in her head and died. Her 27 year old colleague was seriously injured. The thieves shot at least 20 bullets at the agents.The murder of the young agent, who would have been 24 on Dec. 5th, shocked the country. She had just finished the police school in Asse.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Drunk Vocabulary

1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Proliferation
4. Cinnamon
1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionalistically
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Transubstantiate
1. No thanks, I'm married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4. Taco Bell ? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool!
9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road.
10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Hot for Teacher
It seems a while back, a 24 year old teacher, named Sarah Green made an promotional video for Scruffs Safety-wear. Now her headmaster has suspended her from her teaching post.
The advertising video is now on the Internet and it's a bit naughty, ever since her students started passing it around on their cell phones. though Sarah Green has said, "It's no worse than a Carry On movie."
About the suspension, the headmaster, Andrew Chicken, (yes that's real) has said, "The suspension implies neither guilt or innocence." Good to see that education is run by such decisive and positive people! I bet Scruffs had had a recent sales spike lately though!
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yesterday I had the pleasure of riding along with Joe Stang our own Studs Belgian Beer guru, and John Montgomery to pick up Joe's monthly stash of Westvleteren, or "Westy" as it is affectionally called by Joe. The Abby is right outside Ypres in the middle of nowhere. We first stopped for lunch at The Trumpet, right next to the Cathedral and tried, Ypra, the local brew. It's hard to track down except in some souvenir shops and bars in Ypres. Very much in the style of an abbey Tripel, it also reflects the hop character of beers from this region.

Thank God for GPS, we arrive on Beer Street
Arriving at the Abbey, like I said, in the middle of nowhere, on a road that was about as wide as my driveway. We had to pull off into the grass to let a couple tractors squeeze by.
The first site you see, is the line of cars wound through the trees to pick up their beer. Although it took about forty minutes for us to get our beer, I'm told before there were appointments, the line snaked back for a mile along this thin little road.
We get to the front, and unload the empties. The look on these peoples faces picking up their beer reminds me of a kid on Christmas morning!
Joe gets his that the look of true love? He did sell John and I both a sixpack, as hard as that was.
To our disappointment the Abbey cafe was closed for the month of January so we weren't able to go in and try a cold one right away.
We took the scenic route back to Brussels and slid down to Wallonia to a small brewery called Brasserie Ellezelloise that is located down a farm road in Ellezelles for a beer tasting. I didn't know that my mother-in-law endorsed this beer, as she is pictured on the label.
To end our day in typical Belgian fashion we arrive at the brewery to a sign that says "closed on Wednesday". This initiated a trip to the local pub where we sampled the brew, and found a local store that sold us a boxed little five pak.