Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Obama is salesman of the year

Fox News will finish 2009 as the top-rated cable news network, a perch it has enjoyed for eight years running. But 2009--the first year of the Obama administration--also marks FNC's highest rated year in the channel's 13-year-history.
This is the only reason I watch Fox News. I don’t have a clue what Patti Ann is talking about in this clip. But she looks damn fine doing it.... annd that’s enough for me.
It's time to start profiling! Clowns to the left..Jokers to the right

Mark Steyn calls the failed Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253 “Let’s Roll 2”.
They are using our freedoms against us. And our administration is letting them do it. I wonder how everyday Americans are going to feel when we all have to go through the airport, train terminal or bus depot completely naked because of their immature antics. They profile us, so what's the problem?
To hell with waterboarding.....I think we have to go back to "Mr Blonde approach" to questioning our terrorist friends like Umaru Abdul Mutallab.
Tiger Woods and the 12 Billion dollar piece of ass!
Tiger's back......will have a new meaning next time!
Tiger Woods is not the only one who blew big bucks with his image-busting cheating spree.
His losses are chump change compared with the up to $12 billion that the scandal has cost shareholders of his big-money sponsors like Nike, AT&T and Gatorade, a study revealed Monday.
"Total shareholder losses may exceed several decades' worth of Tiger Woods' personal endorsement income," said study author Victor Stango, a professor at the University of California Davis.
The study compared the stock prices of nine Woods sponsors with competitors and the overall market after the scandal erupted last month. Investors in the three sports-related companies - video gamemaker Electronic Arts, Gatorade and Nike - fared the worst, experiencing a 4.3% drop in stock value.
On the other hand, Accenture, a global management consulting firm, experienced no measurable ill effects from Woods' fall from grace.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The world's largest shopping mall, in Guangzhou, China
The world’s largest shopping mall, in Guangzhou, China, is almost entirely empty, but like big American financial companies, deemed too big to fail.
Is nothing American sacred anymore? The largest mall in the world turns out not to be the famous Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn. It’s the South China Mall outside of Guangzhou, China. Outdoing the techniques of American consumerism, South China Mall is Disneyland, Las Vegas and Mall of America rolled into one. There are carnival rides, mini-parks, canals and lakes amid classic Western-style buildings with space for hundreds of shops.
But along with the glitz and glory of middle-class shopping, the mall’s Chinese developers seem to have imported something else — a cautionary tale of capitalist hubris. Alex Hu, a local Guangzhou boy who made it big in international business, wanted South China Mall to be a hometown monument to his success — even though Guangzhou has no major airports or highways nearby.
And four years after its construction, the mall sits virtually empty of both shops and shoppers. But the Chinese have imported yet another concept familiar to Americans — South China Mall is considered too big to fail. So, employees line up for flag-raising ceremonies and pep talks about “brand building” before going off to maintain the deserted concourses meticulously. If China is the future of the world economy, The World’s Largest Shopping Mall just may be a startling peek at what’s to come.
Lady......your Unicorn has arrived!
Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!
The Obama administration’s decision to cover an unlimited amount of losses at the mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over the next three years stirred controversy over the holiday.
"The System Worked"

Asked by CNN’s Candy Crowley on “State of the Union” how that could be possible when the young Nigerian who has been charged with trying to set off the bomb was able to smuggle explosive liquid onto the jet, Napolitano responded: “We’re asking the same questions.”
Sunday, December 27, 2009
My first candidate for pay-per-view executions in 2010

Wouldn’t it make more sense to start screening these people more heavily, rather than patting down every white-haired old lady and three-year-old girl? Or do we go through this security charade to it’s fullest expression of futility.
I've traveled through Schiphol Airport many times. You DO pass through security boarding a US bound flight even if you are just connecting....... and you go through another set of individual questioning at the gate.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Woman knocks down Pope at Christmas Eve Mass (video)
So some "unbalanced" lady knocks down the Pope as he was entering St. Peter's to celebrate Midnight Mass. So was the woman in the red dress "imbalanced" due to some goofy thing in her brain OR was she "unbalanced" because her high heels were too tall and she fell over into the Pope's lap? (Watch the Italian raw footage here.)
A woman jumped the barriers in St. Peter's Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass on Thursday.
Benedettini said the woman who pushed the pope appeared to be mentally unstable and had been arrested by Vatican police. He said she also knocked down Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, who was taken to hospital for a check up.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
You haven't been drunk...until you've ordered coffee with a knife in your chest

It's probably just a normal Thursday in Detroit...I'll have the latte with a plasma chaser please.
Diners at a metro Detroit restaurant got more than a full plate Sunday when a man walked in with a 5-inch knife in his chest.
Warren police said the 52-year-old man called 911 at about 10 p.m., saying he had been attacked in Warren but had just walked a mile to the Bray’s Hamburgers in Hazel Park.
Restaurant employee George Mirdita said the man walked in, ordered a coffee and said he was waiting for an ambulance to come.
“It was like out of a movie,” Mirdita said. “It kind of freaked us all out here. Then, the customers realized it and they were all turning their heads in disgust.”
Police said the man told them he had been walking north on Warner Avenue near Eight Mile Road when another man approached him and demanded cash. The man told police that when he refused to hand over any cash, he was attacked and stabbed -- the knife being shoved into the left side of chest all the way to the black plastic handle.
The must have Christmas Gift this year!

I like guns!....Danish Police kill Reindeer for Christmas
Watch the Danish Police kill some Reindeer....and just before Christmas...those basturds!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Water is more expensive than alcohol in the UK

Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s are among those selling beer at just over 5p per 100ml. This contrasts with a typical price of about 8p for 100ml of brand-name mineral water.
Campaigners claim such retailers are “irresponsible”, using cheap alcohol to lure customers, while ignoring warnings from senior health figures that selling it at rock-bottom prices leads to more drinking.
My question is......Why are people not asking why bottled water is so frikn EXPENSIVE......
The 2010 Girls of Ryanair Calendar
The low cost Irish airline Ryanair gives the word "take-off" new meaning with its racy annual 2010 "Girls of Ryanair Calendar, for about $15 via
The girls do a good job, but Ukrainian airline Wind Rose has stolen their idea, and made their own calendar with much hotter chicks......pictured here.
About 800 of the 4,000 employees "volunteered" to put forth their sexiest poses to be among "the girls of Ryanair." All sales benefit a children's nonprofit, so if your wife gets angry, say it's for charity.

Ukranian Wind Rose Airlines 2010 Sexy Stewardess Calender

This must be where all those Russian mail order brides come from.
I haven't seen anything close to this on the airlines flying transatlantic, just a bitter bunch of senior stewardesses pissed off at the bad career choice they made to be a waitress at 30,000 feet. Entire Calendar here
I’m guessing the Kiev company got the idea after seeing the Ryanair Cabin Crew Calendar.
This should give you a reason to go to the Ukraine...even if you didn't have one before.

Monday, December 21, 2009
All Europeans beware of killer wine corks!

I guess if Belgians are too uncoordinated to open a Champagne bottle without injuring themselves this might explain why they have such an embarrassment for a National Football team. If you are injuring yourself by drinking might be time to put the bottle away people.
As far as Mr. Van de Camp goes.....just when I think European politicians can't get any dumber......another one comes along.
Watch the 'Poser in Chief'
I mentioned the other day how his neck must be killing him without the teleprompters in Copenhagen. Watch a few seconds of this video with the "sound off" and you would think he was watching a tennis match between Venus and Serena. Funny stuff.....what a frikn poser!
Former Miss Belgium Vernonique De Kock


Jon B. Terry, a defense attorney for a gentleman accused of something that involves DEATH, has requested a motion to continue his client's trial because the current trail date -- January 4, 2010 -- conflicts with Alabama's appearance in the BCS Championship Game and would thusly prevent him from attending said national championship game. UPDATE: The judge approved the following continuance motion!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Merry Christmas with a green card!

This site is gift wrapping your Russian mail order bride for Christmas......can you say Ho, Ho, Ho, for a green card?
If you can wait till after Christmas...... they have a Tiger Woods special. Buy one, get two free!