Monday, December 07, 2009

Pete Rose girlfriend Kiana Kim to pose nude for Playboy

Pete Rose Has a Girlfriend with a Marketing Degree From Arizona State and Gigantic Funbags......and I know you're all thinking..... Arizona State gives out degrees now???? But just think of that Pete Rose patented head first slide into those funbags.
A couple months ago, my favorite Hall of Fame banned, gambling, baseball player/manager Pete Rose showed up to the Arreola-Klitchko fight with a gorgeous Asian bombshell on his arm that turns out was his girlfriend. Now she's going to pose for Playboy.

Yeah, not only is she a few years younger than him (about 40 to be exact), but she also has brains and business savvy to boot. The question is what is she doing with a dumb ass like him?

Her name is Kiana Kim. She was born in Seoul, South Korea, and moved here when she was 5. She has a degree in marketing from Arizona State University. She owns a hair salon and hopes to become the host of a TV show. Shocking that she wants to be a TV show host. I’m sure she’s super intelligent, but no one takes her serious. That Playboy shoot should clear everything up, though.

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