Saturday, March 28, 2009

Be Patriotic...Fire up those light bulbs for LIBERTY tomorrow

A Web site called urges global warmists to "VOTE EARTH BY SWITCHING OFF YOUR LIGHTS FOR ONE HOUR" starting at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
I am tempted to make fun of this, actually, I make fun of it all the time, but then I remembered what President Chucklehead said about cynics who fail to understand that the ground has shifted beneath them. So instead of being consumed by the stale political argument that this protest is silly, I'm going to do something positive: organize a counterprotest.

If you are against global-warming hysteria, high taxes, socialized medicine and a weak foreign policy, Sunday is your day. Show how you feel about the issues by turning on your lights in the evening and leaving them on until you go to bed. When you cruise up to that stoplight in your Hummer.....make sure you rev the engine and enjoy the icy stares of those moonbat global warming pricks. As Monty Python would have it, add some more CO2 and make sure to "fart in their general direction". If you go out for a drive after dark, make sure you turn your headlights on bright on too.

Granted, the EarthHour people have a head start on us. They started planning this months ago, whereas I'm giving you all of 24 hours notice. Yet I think the outlook is bright for this effort. Tell your friends, tell them to tell their friends, and so on, and maybe millions of people across the country will turn their lights on Sunday night.

If no one will listen to the silent majority, let's at least make sure they see us. So, just like the folks at Motel 6, I’ll leave all my lights on for you.

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