Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Belgium's 'joker killer' Kim De Gelder admits guilt

The 20 year old Goth loner with a film obsession has broken his silence and hunger strike to talk to his lawyer Jaak Haentjes.
"He understands that he did something inhuman. I think that he feels regrets. That's what he says but it would be going too far to say that he repents," said Mr Haentjes.
"The reason why he chose babies in a creche as victims is still an enigma. I want to know why he did that. He too, he is ready to help in that sense."
Mr Haentjes has also revealed that Mr De Gelder's parents had wanted to confine him in an institution for the mentally ill.

He is now also suspected of murdering a 73 year old woman in a knife attack on Friday January 16. Christian Du Four, a state prosecutor, linked De Gelder to the "abominable crime".

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