Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Belgium wants their own "Messiah"

An article in the Wall Street Journal today "Europeans Pine for an Obama of Their Own" probably wouldn't be a bad idea for Belgium....but I'm not sure even "The Messiah" himself could get the Flemish and Walloons together. Belgium has to have the most dysfunctional politicians in the history of the planet. He should maybe start out slow by practicing on Quebec first.

Ever since Barack Obama’s election began to look secure, Europeans have dreamed of finding a charismatic post-ideological race-conciliating leader of their own.
Imitating the Obama campaign’s strategic marketing campaign, European supporters printed T-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers of their own. They organized raucous parties on election night and cocktail parties on Tuesday to watch the swearing-in.

All major European national TV networks are carrying the event live. On Tuesday, in downtown Brussels, vendors sold “Obama Belgium” T-shirts. Some residents hung American flags on their balconies, something usually seen only in the country’s south, where the Battle of the Bulge was fought. READ MORE

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