Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Paris is not Burning

There has been a tremendous amount of coverage over the whole Olympic torch fiasco that occurred yesterday in Paris. I'm not in the position to go over the whole thing again, apathy and a lack of concern about the subject prohibit me from indulging this. However, I have come up with a few key points that I have observed that I would like to share with you, things the media haven't noticed.

This is the hardest the French have ever fought to keep anyone out of Paris.
Not one Frenchman surrendered to the torch (although it is believed many collaborated with it)
Policemen that wear rollerblades do not instill fear.
Considering how hard it has been for the French coppers to stop French youth from lighting fires over the past three years, it's bizarre that now they are trying to keep a torch lit so desperately.
The only North American city that the torch will be brought to will be San Francisco. A city that has never had an Olympics, and has a history of violent protests. Although, on the other side, they do have their share of giant flamers.

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