Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Buster Martin is a STUD!

World marathon record holder, Haile Gebrselassie, is pulling out of the marathon at this summer's Beijing Olympics. Gebrselassie is fearful Beijing's notorious smog will affect his asthma. Upon hearing of this news, 101 year old Buster Martin commented, "Use your inhaler and quit being a friggin wimp!"
Britain’s oldest employee, plumbing company worker Buster Martin is going to attempt to run the London Marathon, he’s already completed a half marathon. How does he plan on celebrating?:
“If I finish, I’ll do what I always do and have a pint and a fag, he said. “People ask what is my secret but I haven’t got one. They say fags and booze are bad for you—but I’m still here, aren’t I?”

He drinks, smokes, enjoys music and runs marathons, not bad for man who has lived for over a century! I'm seriously impressed. Check out the BBC News article and the excellent the Who cover of My Generation performed by his 3000 year old group the Zimmers.

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