Thursday, February 21, 2008

I like big butts, and I cannot lie!

Baby got back, or at least baby wants back in Ivory Coast. A national dance craze in the western Africa nation has resulted in a black market in treatments claiming to increase your ass size.
DJ Mix and DJ Eloh’s hit song “Bobaraba,” which means “big bottom” in the local Djoula language, has inspired the dance and consequent search for big butt concoctions. Ivorian footballers have even picked on the fad dance, shaking their booties after scoring goals at the recent African Nations Cup.
In the sprawling Adjame market just north of the city centre in Abidjan, women sell "bottom enhancers". "You need to inject this liquid into your bottom once a day," says a market trader, showing a vial of coloured liquid labelled "Vitamin B12". Each vial costs $2.
I say just eat a few sticks of butter and call me in the morning....

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