Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ryanair Nude Calender

Okay, so the idea isn't uber-original. Back in 2006 there were some United flight attendants who posed for a sexy calendar in order to compensate their loss of pension. And a couple of years earlier even Delta stewardess Ellen Simonetti AKA QueenOfSky was fired for a *cough* racy shoot inside a Delta plane.
A Dutch newspaper says Ryanair cabin staff have posed in the nude for a 2008 calendar. It is only available for sale at the moment on flights. O'Leary never misses a chance to make another buck......although he claims proceeds will be for some kids fund


  1. It's not nude. They pose in swimwear .......... pity that!

  2. The importance of a good calendar cannot be overstated!

  3. RyanAir have only skimmed the surface of publicity available to them on the internet with this promotion.

  4. I could learn a thing or two about positive publicity from these guys!


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