Thursday, June 21, 2007

Brussels becomes costlier

European cities are becoming more expensive for expatriates, according to the latest Cost of Living Survey from Mercer Human Resources Consulting. London, climbing three places since last year, is in second place with Moscow maintaining the top position. Asuncion in Paraguay is the least expensive city for the fifth year running.
Similar increases can be noted in Germany where all major cities moved up the ranking, most notably Berlin which climbed 27 places from a ranking of 72 to 45. Brussels moved 26 places from 70 to rank at 44. Not all cities experienced such a dramatic rise, such as Paris which only moved two places from 15th to 13th place.
Powers said that "as companies continue to send employees on expatriate assignments, they must closely monitor changes in cost of living to ensure their expatriate compensation packages are fair and competitive."

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